Friday 27 May 2022

Safety Tips For Kids Around Dogs πŸ•


According to research, kids suffer attacks from dogs much more than adults because they tend to cross the boundary with dogs.
and so today's post will focus on how to help kids avoid dog bites and other casualties.
A quick analysis of the following will put you through how to guide your kids to stay away from what is listed below to avoid dog bites and aggression.
Never approach any strange dog.
 Never pet a dog, no matter how cute, unless the owner or a responsible adult tells you it's OK.
Practice the no touch, no talk, and no eye contact rule when you first meet a dog. If she licks you, she likes you and if not, leave the dog and let her be till she gets familiar with you.
 Don’t run away from a growling dog—she’ll only chase after you. Stay calm, hold your ground, don’t look at her, and wait for help.
 Don’t play with a dog that’s overexcited. Playful energy is good, hyper energy is bad.
Make sure you’re really ready to be responsible before asking your parents for a dog. It’s a lot of work.
Walk your dog every day!
Pitch in with the whole family to take care of your dog when it comes to feeding, cleaning up, and health care so she can be familiar with other members of the house. Your dog will appreciate it.
Give your dog exercise, discipline, and then affection. No skipping straight to affection, no matter how much you may want to!
Practice calm-assertive energy. That means stay cool, balanced, around your dog. (This helps in your personal life too)
Avoid your kids moving close to dogs when eating or growling at something, they can transfer their anger at that moment to the kid.
Lastly never let your kid touch a dog's tail,it's a sensitive part of their body and could trigger a sensation that will let them want to defend themselves.
“I believe that kids with pets, especially dogs, develop a better sense of empathy for the people and animals around them,” “They learn how to care for another living being and how to put another’s well-being before their own.”-CESAR MILLAN
Remember a dog is the only thing that will love you more than it loves itself!
Follow @dogworthmontreal for more tips.
 Picture Credit :GOOGLE.COM