Wednesday 1 February 2023

"Dog Care in Winter: A Guide for Keeping Your Furry Friend Safe and Warm"

Winter can be a challenging time for dog owners, but with a little extra care, you can keep your dog happy and healthy all season long. Here are some essential tips for dog care in winter.

  1. Protect Their Paws Ice, snow, and salt can be harsh on your dog's paws. Invest in some paw protection, such as boots or wax, to keep their paws protected and warm. You can also wipe their paws clean after each walk to remove any salt or chemicals that may irritate their skin, they might also not be comfortable walking in it at first but they will get used to it.

  1. Increase Exercise Despite the cold weather, it's important to keep your dog active. Regular exercise can help keep your dog healthy and warm. Consider taking them on shorter, more frequent walks instead of longer ones.

  2. Hydrate Regularly Just like people, dogs need to stay hydrated in the winter. Make sure your dog has access to fresh, clean water at all times.

  3. Watch Their Weight Winter can be a tempting time to feed your dog more treats and table scraps, but this can lead to weight gain. Maintain a balanced diet and portion control to keep your dog at a healthy weight.

  4. Keep Them Clean Dirt, salt, and chemicals can accumulate on your dog's coat in the winter. Regular baths and grooming can help keep their coat healthy and free of irritation.

By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your dog stays safe, warm, and healthy all winter long.

In conclusion, winter can be a difficult time for dogs, but with the right care and attention, you can keep your furry friend happy and healthy all season long. Don't hesitate to seek advice

from a veterinarian if you have any concerns about your dog's health.

You can purchase all of these winter gears from your local dog store or on for more varieties to choose from.

Picture Credit:

Friday 29 July 2022

Travelling With Your Dog In Summer

 Summer isn't complete without a road or air trip and going with your dog is never going to be a bad idea.

I've put together these travelling tips for you and your furry friend to have a smooth holiday: first you have to check with your veterinary clinic to certify your dog healthy for a long trip as some dogs become drowsy and dizzy while on trips while some develop sudden illness due to movement from one place to another.

Second is to cross check your travel list and right kits for your dog. whether you're travelling or flying, getting the right kits is important for your dog's safety and comfy moments. kits to move around with includes, collapsible bowl to drink water when they are dehydrated and always have water ready depending on your mode of travelling.

Cooling vests and footwear, also important kits for travelling to protect them when the weather is too hot so they have something to protect their feet's and body and also safer for skydiving with your dog. you can also invest in a light collar so you can see your dog even in dark and just incase your dog escapes on a solo trip so it's easier to find them😋

Always have a cooling mat ready so they can lay on after the long walk , hotel room and outdoor exercises. whichever of the wearable kits you are investing on should be lightweight so they can move around freely in it.

Another thing to consider is to make sure to check your pet friendly accommodation, make sure your lodge accommodates pets so your dog is not locked outside thereby disrupting your holiday plan and if you're lucky enough to get a suitable place that even has play ground for pets!

Whatever your plan is, create time for your dog to rest and take naps as it's a strange environment for them and because they can only express themselves with feelings, they might become nervous and inactive in the first few days so helping them take enough break from activities will go a long way in keeping them in check.

While on your trip, if you need to get something on your way, make sure not to leave your dog in a hot car , if you need to do something urgently, look for a pet friendly place around to watch your dog while you're away for some minutes, you don't want to be a bad dog parent right? so practice not to be one😉

Also make sure to belt them right in their seat so they don't move or shift from their position when the road is bad. remember your dog's safety is in your hand.

Lastly, be a responsible pet owner as more places are opening their doors to pets, don't let your dog loose her manners outside and start harassing people that they send you out or refuse to accommodate you. let your dog know the limit of how they can interact with people, some people are scared on the sight of dogs so it only makes sense to not let your dog go near such people so they don't have panic attacks.

travel with your pet first aid kits and be open as anything can happen while travelling with your pets, it's possible their health doesn't go as planned or weather change or anything of that matter could happen, be open minded and ready to implement a change of plan to accommodate you and your dog better after all to love a dog is to sacrifice for your dog.

Travelled with your dog before and have more tips? drop them in the comment section .

Bon Voyage Dog lovers !

Follow on Instagram @dogworthmontreal.


Tuesday 28 June 2022

Summer Vibes With Luli

It was going to be Saint Jean's holiday and i took the day off work, wondering what i could do to make it more fun, i and two of my friends agreed to go to the beach and i told one of them Daniel to come along with his dog, we agreed on visiting Verdun beach and it was about to be a whole day of fun, the day came by fast, i and my other friend Shreya got there a bit early, let's just say we were anxious to explore the weather so yea😃Daniel came in a bit late but i wasn't bothered as long as he was coming with Luli, upon their arrival and after pleasantries, i tried playing with Luli but she wasn't attracted to me, she only wanted to be with Daniel and his wife, i figured out she loved to play fetch and was eager to jump into the water to pick her ball so here we go, i started throwing the ball and she'll run faster to bring it back to me, we got acquainted in no time and she kept throwing the ball on my lap even when we needed to take some rest.
Had a great time with Luli and i forgot to mention her love for pictures, she has great poses, and one of the tips in getting her attention is holding up her ball, she falls for it instantly and her love for water is beyond me,

Luli is a pyrenian sheperd family, also a rescue dog and arrived with Daniel from Chile who makes sure she's well catered for, she sure made my Saint Jean holiday worth it and i won't hesitate another opportunity to hang out with her soon again.

Follow on instagram @dogworthmontreal
Picture Credit : Daniel @Daniblaster
Dog Model: Luli for @Daniblaster

Friday 24 June 2022

Summer Ideas For You And Your Dog


Summer is back and it's the perfect time to enjoy adequate time out with your furry friend, today's post will focus on summer ideas for you and your dog.

First on the list is Exercise, you probably have not been able to walk your dog often because of the past weather, while some dogs may enjoy walking in the snow, some might not, whichever category your dog falls in, now is the time to burn the excess energy gathered and burn them out by going for walks, jogging and enjoying the sunny weather together.

Second on the list is taking your dog on swim dates, trust me most dogs love getting wet in dry season, locate the nearest dog pool to you today and let your dog enjoy swimming in all its glory.

Family picnics- dogs are family right? enjoy summer outings with your dogs included in your plans, attend dog events together so they can mix and socialize with other dogs, visit the beach, play the fetch game together, it creates memories and makes bonding stronger.

This is the time to register your dog for those training she needs to be a better dog, register your dog in training programmes that will enhance their growth mentally.

The best time to give your dog a spa treatment is now, get them the trim needed for both their furs and paws, ears and other covered parts of their body.

If your work is pet friendly, let them visit your colleagues and meet new dog lovers like you!

Enjoy the bike ride with your dog seated at the back gazing at trees and people, it's a beautiful sight to behold, if your dog is light weight, strap them to your back , it's fun 😅

There are so many more outdoor events you can enjoy with your furry friend in summer, just look for the suitable and affordable ones for you to enjoy and remember just like humans, they crave all these things and worse still can't ask you but you know summer is for fun and must be enjoyed fully.

Lastly, don't forget to always give them water, it's a sunny season so they'll need something cool for the weather to sustain their strength.

Have a memorable summer holiday!


Friday 27 May 2022

Safety Tips For Kids Around Dogs 🐕


According to research, kids suffer attacks from dogs much more than adults because they tend to cross the boundary with dogs.
and so today's post will focus on how to help kids avoid dog bites and other casualties.
A quick analysis of the following will put you through how to guide your kids to stay away from what is listed below to avoid dog bites and aggression.
Never approach any strange dog.
 Never pet a dog, no matter how cute, unless the owner or a responsible adult tells you it's OK.
Practice the no touch, no talk, and no eye contact rule when you first meet a dog. If she licks you, she likes you and if not, leave the dog and let her be till she gets familiar with you.
 Don’t run away from a growling dog—she’ll only chase after you. Stay calm, hold your ground, don’t look at her, and wait for help.
 Don’t play with a dog that’s overexcited. Playful energy is good, hyper energy is bad.
Make sure you’re really ready to be responsible before asking your parents for a dog. It’s a lot of work.
Walk your dog every day!
Pitch in with the whole family to take care of your dog when it comes to feeding, cleaning up, and health care so she can be familiar with other members of the house. Your dog will appreciate it.
Give your dog exercise, discipline, and then affection. No skipping straight to affection, no matter how much you may want to!
Practice calm-assertive energy. That means stay cool, balanced, around your dog. (This helps in your personal life too)
Avoid your kids moving close to dogs when eating or growling at something, they can transfer their anger at that moment to the kid.
Lastly never let your kid touch a dog's tail,it's a sensitive part of their body and could trigger a sensation that will let them want to defend themselves.
“I believe that kids with pets, especially dogs, develop a better sense of empathy for the people and animals around them,” “They learn how to care for another living being and how to put another’s well-being before their own.”-CESAR MILLAN
Remember a dog is the only thing that will love you more than it loves itself!
Follow @dogworthmontreal for more tips.
 Picture Credit :GOOGLE.COM

Tuesday 17 March 2020


Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that can cause a range of symptoms, including a runny nose, cough, sore throat and fever. Some are mild, such as the common cold, while others are more likely to lead to pneumonia. They're usually spread through direct contact with an infected person.

This article will provide answers to common questions concerning our pets in respect of the virus spreading rapidly across the world.
Are there coronaviruses in animals?
Coronaviruses are common in several species of domestic and wild animals, including cattle, horses, dogs, cats, ferrets, camels, bats, and others.
A dog donned a face mask on a walk in Shanghai on Monday.
Did this coronavirus spread from animals to humans?
Although not common, coronaviruses can be transmitted from animals to humans. Bats can be reservoir hosts for viruses which can cross species barriers to infect humans and other domestic and wild mammals
In the last two major coronaviruses that were transmitted to humans, transmission occurred through intermediate hosts: the masked palm civet (SARS) and dromedary camels (MERS).
The 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCOV), now known officially as COVID-19 or Corona Virus Disease, is thought to have originated in bats and transmitted to humans