Friday 24 June 2022

Summer Ideas For You And Your Dog


Summer is back and it's the perfect time to enjoy adequate time out with your furry friend, today's post will focus on summer ideas for you and your dog.

First on the list is Exercise, you probably have not been able to walk your dog often because of the past weather, while some dogs may enjoy walking in the snow, some might not, whichever category your dog falls in, now is the time to burn the excess energy gathered and burn them out by going for walks, jogging and enjoying the sunny weather together.

Second on the list is taking your dog on swim dates, trust me most dogs love getting wet in dry season, locate the nearest dog pool to you today and let your dog enjoy swimming in all its glory.

Family picnics- dogs are family right? enjoy summer outings with your dogs included in your plans, attend dog events together so they can mix and socialize with other dogs, visit the beach, play the fetch game together, it creates memories and makes bonding stronger.

This is the time to register your dog for those training she needs to be a better dog, register your dog in training programmes that will enhance their growth mentally.

The best time to give your dog a spa treatment is now, get them the trim needed for both their furs and paws, ears and other covered parts of their body.

If your work is pet friendly, let them visit your colleagues and meet new dog lovers like you!

Enjoy the bike ride with your dog seated at the back gazing at trees and people, it's a beautiful sight to behold, if your dog is light weight, strap them to your back , it's fun 😅

There are so many more outdoor events you can enjoy with your furry friend in summer, just look for the suitable and affordable ones for you to enjoy and remember just like humans, they crave all these things and worse still can't ask you but you know summer is for fun and must be enjoyed fully.

Lastly, don't forget to always give them water, it's a sunny season so they'll need something cool for the weather to sustain their strength.

Have a memorable summer holiday!
